No. of Vacancies :
Total no. of vacancies - 250
Names Of the Posts : Graduate Engineers
1. Mechanical
2. Electrical
3. Civil
4. Instrumentation
5. Computer Scince & IT
6. Chemical
7. Metallurgical
Educational Qualifications :
Candidates must have Bachelor's Degree in Electrical, Mechanical, Instrumentation, Civil, CS, IT, Chemical, Metallurgical Engineering from any recognized University.
Age : candidates must have below 26 yrs as on 30-06-2013.
Selections : selection process is based on GATE Score, Group Discussion and Personal Interview.
How to apply : The candidates frist need to apply online for GATE 2013. After getting the registration number the candidates need to apply online for IOCL website ( ).
Important dates :
Starting date for online Applications - 10/12/2012
Ending date for online Applications - 19/01/2013
Starting date for online registrations ( GATE ) - 01/09/2012
Ending date for online registrations ( GATE ) - 30/09/2012
Notification details- click here
Go to IOCL website - click here
History of IOCL :
Indian Oli Corporation Ltd (IOCL) is an Indian State - owned Oil and Gas Corporation. IOL was formed in 1964 with the merger of Indian Refineriees Ltd. IOL headquarters in New Delhi. IOL is the world's 83rd largest public Corporation(Fortune Global 500). IOL is the largest public corporation in India. The IOL group of companies owns and operates 10 of India's 22 refineries with a combined refiniry capasity of 65.7 million metric tonnes per year. The President of India owns 78.92% shares in the company. Indian Oil operates the largest and the widest network of fuel stations in the country.
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