No. of Vacancies :
Total no. of vacancies - 61
Names Of the Posts : Graduate Engineers
Educational Qualifications :
Candidates must possess B.Tech / B.E. in Electrical, Mechanical, Instrumentation, Civil, Electronics, Chemical, Geology, Metallurgy.
Age : candidates must have below 30 yrs as on 01-01-2013.
Pay Scale : 16,400 - 40,500/-
Selections : selection process is based on GATE Score, Group Discussion and Personal Interview.
How to apply : The candidates frist need to apply online for GATE 2013. After getting the registration number the candidates need to apply online for NALCO website ( ).
Important dates :
Starting date for online Applications - 01/01/2013
Ending date for online Applications - 31/01/2013
Starting date for online registrations ( GATE ) - 01/09/2012
Ending date for online registrations ( GATE ) - 30/09/2012
GATE - 2013 : 10/02/2013
Notification details- click here
Go to NALCO website - click here
History of NALCO :
National Aluminium Company Ltd (NALCO) is considered to be a turning point in the history of Indian Aluminium Induatry. Nalco was incorporated as a public sector enterprise of the Ministry of Mines, Government of India in 1981. Nalco is Asia's largest integrated Aluminium Complex, encomplssong Bauxite Mining, Alumina refining, aluminium smelting and casting, power Generation rail and port operations. The main units of Nalco are at Damanjodi and Nalconagar, Angul. Nalco is considered to be one of the best profit making PSE in India and reaps impressively huge benfits every year.