No. of Vacancies :
Total no. of vacancies - 2079
Names Of the Posts :
1. Porter - 224
2. TTMO / KSI - 08
3. Helper II - 276
4. Trackman - 1550
5. Hospital Attendents / Dis Cleaner - 05
6. Helper II / Hamal - 16
Educational Qualifications : candidates must have possess 10th class or must possess ITI or equivalent Quealification from recognised University / Board.
Age : Minimum 18 yrs & maximum 33 yrs as on 01-01-2013.
Pay Scale : 5,200 - 20,200/-
Selections : selection process is based on performance in written Exam and Physical Efficiency Test ( PET ) which followed by Medical Examination.
Application Fee : OBC category candidates and Unreserved category candidates need to pay Rs. 40/-.
How to apply : The eligible candidates need to download application format, attach photograph, attest signature, super scribe, the name of the post on the envelope and send it along with copies of all relevant certificates and stamp attached selt addressed envelope to the following address :
Assistant Personal Officer(Recruitment),
Railway Recruitment Cell. RTS Colony,
Near Kendriya Vidyalaya,
South East central Railway,
Bilaspur - 495004,
Important dates :
Ending date for receipt of Application - 05/10/2012
Ending date for receipt of Application ( far flung areas ) - 19/10/2012
Notification details- click here
Download Application Format - click here
Go to South East Central Railway website - click here
History of South East Central Railway :
South East Central Railway is amongest the youngest zones of the Indian Railway. It was inaugrated on 20 September 1998 by the then PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee and dedicated to nation on 5 April 2003. South east Central Railway has its headquarters at Bilaspur. the administrative building was inagurated on 27 April 2009. the construction organaization of the South East Central Railway has its office at Bilaspur near the new zonal headquarters building. South East Central Railway is comprises Nagpur division, Bilaspur division and nagpur division.