No. of Vacancies :
Total no. of vacancies - 2018
Names Of the Posts : Group D
Educational Qualifications : candidates must have possess 10th class or must possess ITI or equivalent Quealification from recognised University / Board.
Age : Minimum 18 yrs & maximum 33 yrs as on 01-01-2013.
Pay Scale : 5,200 - 20,200/-
Selections : selection process is based on performance in written Exam and Physical Efficiency Test ( PET ) followed by Medical Examination.
Application Fee : OBC category candidates and Unreserved category candidates need to pay Rs. 40/-. Reserved Candidates - No fee.
Fee as to be paid by IPO / DD in favour of "FA and CAO , NF Railway" payable at GPO, Guwahati.
How to apply : The eligible candidates need to download application format, attach photograph, attest signature, super scribe, the name of the post on the envelope and send it along with copies of all relevant certificates and stamp attached selt addressed envelope to the following address :
The Deputy Cheif Personal Officer(RRC),
Railway Recruitment Cell.
N.F.Railway, Station Colony,
Assam - 781001.
Important dates :
Ending date for receipt of Application - 23/11/2012
Notification details- click here
Go to N F Railway website - click here
History of Northeast Frontier Railway :
Northeast Frontier Railways is one of the sixteen Zones of the Indian Railways. Its headquarters is in Maligaon, Guwahati. Northeast Frontier Railway zone came to its present from on 15 January 1958 and It is divided into Five divisions, namely Alipurdaur division, Katihar D\division, Lumding division, Rangiya division and Tinsukia division..