RRC Jaipur Group D Recruitment -2012

   North Western Railway (NWR), Railway Recruitment Cell, RRB Jaipur has issued notification againest recruitment of 329 Group D vacancies. Eligible candidates may apply through prescribed application format on or before 08-10-2012. More details are available below.

No. of Vacancies :

Total no. of vacancies - 329

Names Of the Posts :

1. Trackman B-1 - 192
2. Khallasi / Helper B-1 - 111
3. Khallasi / Helper C-1 - 06
4. Khalasi / Pointsman / Gateman - 20

Educational Qualifications : candidates must have possess 10th class or must possess ITI or equivalent Quealification from recognised University / Board.

Age : Minimum 18 yrs & maximum 33 yrs as on 01-01-2013.

Pay Scale : 5,200 - 20,200/-

Selections : selection process is based on performance in written Exam and Physical Efficiency Test ( PET ) followed by Medical Examination.

Application Fee : OBC category candidates and Unreserved category candidates need to pay Rs. 40/-. Reserved Candidates - No fee.
Fee as to be paid by IPO / DD in favour of "The Assistant Personal Officer (Recruitment & Training), Railway Recruitment Cell, North Western Railway, Jaipur" payble at Jaipur.

How to apply : The eligible candidates need to download application format, attach photograph, attest signature, super scribe, the name of the post on the envelope and send it along with copies of all relevant certificates and stamp attached selt addressed envelope to the following address :

The Assistant Personal Officer (Recruitment & Training),
Railway Recruitment Cell.
North Western Railway,
Durgapura Railway Station,
Jaipur - 302018.

Important dates : 

Ending date for receipt of Application - 08/10/2012

Ending date for receipt of Application ( far flung areas ) - 23/10/2012

Notification details- click here

Download Application Format - click here

Go to North Western Railway website - click here

History of North Western Railway :

North Western Railway came being on 1st october 2002. There are four Divisions for this Zone of Indian Railways. There are Jodhpur, Jaipur, Ajmer and Bikner. Jaipur is the headquarters for North Western Railway. This Railway comprises a total of 578 stations covering a total of 5449 route km out of which 2575 are broadguage and 2874 are metre guage. The stations of North Western Railways provide number faclities to the passengers, waiting rooms, catering services and others. The Jaipur and Jodhpur divisions were originally part of the Western Railway. While Bikaner and Jodhpur belonged to the Northern Railway.


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